Today we live in a society that can be perceived as being selfish or self centered. We often hear phrases like, "get yours", or "what's in it for me?".   While these phrases may not have the intent of not caring for others, those words can sometimes be perceived negatively.  We constantly encourage our children and place great emphasis on academics, doing well in school and sports.  But what about giving back, caring for others or volunteering?
As Drew's parents, we want to plant and cultivate the seed of compassion and caring for others in both of our sons. Our goal is to build a foundation of serving and identifying those in need. 
Drew's K.I.C.K.S. is not a new concept, there are several organizations nationwide that are providing brand new shoes for kids. We believe that one person can make a difference in someone's life, all it takes is "the Power of One" to do that. So why not inspire that power in our children? We believe that Drew's K.I.C.K.S. is a great opportunity for our son Drew to give back and to serve the community.